Kingdom of Atenveldt
Order of Precedence
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Kingdom of Atenveldt
Barony of Ered Sûl
College of Sankt Vladimir
Barony of Atenveldt
Barony of Sun Dragon
Barony of Twin Moons
College of Brymstonne
Barony of Mons Tonitrus
Barony of Tir Ysgithr
College of St. Felix
Barony of Granite Mountain
Kingdom of Æthelmearc
Barony of Delftwood
Kingdom of Ansteorra
Barony of Bjornsborg
Barony of Bordermarch
Barony of Raven's Fort
Barony of Elfsea
Barony of the Steppes
Barony of Stargate
Kingdom of An Tir
Barony of Aquaterra
Barony of Madrone
Barony of Three Mountains
Barony of Dragon's Mist
Barony of Terra Pomaria
Kingdom of Artemisia
Barony of Loch Salann
Barony of Arn Hold
Barony of Sentinel's Keep
Barony of Gryphon's Lair
Kingdom of Atlantia
Barony of Black Diamond
Barony of the Sacred Stone
Barony of Windmasters' Hill
Barony of Highland Foorde
Barony of Ponte Alto
Barony of Tir-y-Don
Barony of Bright Hills
Barony of Storvik
Barony of South Downs
Kingdom of Caid
Barony of Starkhafn
Barony of Dreiburgen
Barony of Calafia
Barony of Nordwache
Barony of Gyldenholt
Barony of the Western Seas
Barony of Dun Or
Barony of Altavia
Kingdom of Calontir
Barony of Mag Mor
Kingdom of Drachenwald
Kingdom of Ealdormere
Barony of Ben Dunfirth
Kingdom of the East
Barony of Bhakail
Barony Beyond the Mountain
Barony of Thescorre
Kingdom of Gleann Abhann
Barony of Axemoor
Kingdom of Lochac
Barony of Aneala
Kingdom of Meridies
Barony of the South Downs
Barony of Iron Mountain
Kingdom of the Middle
Barony of the Flame
Barony of the Middle Marches
Kingdom of Northshield
Barony of Nordskogen
Barony of Castel Rouge
Kingdom of The Outlands
Barony of Dragonsspine
Barony of al-Barran
Barony of Caerthe
Barony of the Citadel of the Southern Pass
Barony of Caer Galen
Barony of Fontaine Dans Sable
Barony of Unser Hafen
Kingdom of Trimaris
Barony of Darkwater
Kingdom of The West
Palatine Barony of the Far West
Barony of Allyshia
Kingdom of Avacal
Barony of Montengarde
Kingdom of Caid (CAD)
Azure, a crown within a laurel wreath Or, between three crescents within a bordure embattled argent.
southern CA, Las Vegas, HI